Mad Heidi is the first Swissploitation Film, following the story of the swiss heroine Heidi as she battles the fascist swiss cheese regime under President Meili.
I boarded the following scenes following the script and the shotlist provided by the film's director, Johannes Hartmann, and his DOP, Eric Lehner.
We mostly focused on scenes that included special effects, as those needed to be planned meticulously fot the shoot and postproduction.
Scene: Heidi escapes Camp Alpenblick by killing the Matron, Fräulein Rottweiler.
A side by side video of the Storyboard and final scene in the movie.
A soldier from the ficticious swiss Morgenstern Militia describes his encounter with Mad Heidi.
A cocky soldier learns not to mess with Mad Heidi.
A scene in the first act of the movie, where Heidi's Grandfather tries to buy her some time to escape Kommandant Knorr and his soldiers. It changed quite a bit when they shot the final scene.
The newest cheese invention of the swiss government scienstist shows it's gruesome effects, turning consumers into obidient cheese zombies.